you can change the name from your submissions menu
good and fun and stuff
you can change the name from your submissions menu
good and fun and stuff
I can't change it anymore...
it has been viewed over 50k times already
hooray, I won... I think. Are you supposed to run over them all or something, because when I ran out of hearts a text block came up and I dont speak whatever language that was. Anyway, the game was very boring! To make it better, you could have simply made the truck move faster, maybe increase the framerate or something.
heh, you where supposed to miss them. but the language is in dutch, and it sais you died toomany times, click to try again :)
i probably shouldve edited that.
this tutorial completes some of the things ultimate tutorial 2 was missing and I will probably refer back to this often while making flash. Check out my flashes too, I only have 2 on NG.
I tried to get away from the normal tutorial subjects and delve into some uncharted - but no less useful - tutorial subject matter. I checked out your stuff and left reviews.
Thanks for the review, and good luck with your flash skillz!
Look at my flash movies!
Joined on 11/4/04